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(1.华电电力科学研究院有限公司,浙江 杭州 310030;2.浙江省蓄能与建筑节能技术重点实验室,浙江 杭州 310030;3.华电南
宁新能源有限公司,广西 南宁 530012;4.石家庄华电供热集团有限公司,河北 石家庄 050000)
摘要: 目前微电网调度主要采用静态调度模型, 即使在调度时间尺度极短的情况下也会忽略微型燃气轮机的动态特
性。基于孤岛微电网, 在模型预测控制方法的框架下, 提出了一种孤岛微电网的日内滚动动态调度方法, 在调度时间尺
度策略相比, 动态调度策略在调度模型中考虑了微型燃气轮机的动态特性, 可以结合更多的运行信息, 因此在动态可以
制定出更加合理有效的调度方案, 能有效减小微型燃气轮机实际输出功率与设定输出功率之间的偏差, 更好地满足负荷
关键词: 孤岛微电网; 日内滚动调度; 模型预测控制
中图分类号: TM73 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 2095-0802-(2023)11-0024-04
Intraday Rolling Dynamic Scheduling of Islanded Microgrid Based on Model
Predictive Control
RUAN Huifeng1,2, JIANG Tianlin3, LU Liangliang4, LIU Wentao4
(1. Huadian Electric Power Research Institute Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 310030, Zhejiang, China; 2. Zhejiang Provincial Key
Laboratory of Energy Storage and Building Energy Efficiency, Hangzhou 310030, Zhejiang, China; 3. Huadian Nanning New
Energy Co., Ltd., Nanning 530012, Guangxi, China; 4. Shijiazhuang Huadian Heating Group Co., Ltd., Shijiazhuang 050000,
Hebei, China)
Abstract: At present, microgrid scheduling mainly adopts static scheduling model, which ignores the dynamic characteristics of
micro gas turbine even when the scheduling time scale is very short. Based on the islanded microgrid, an intraday rolling dynamic
scheduling method of the islanded microgrid was proposed under the framework of model predictive control method, and the
dynamic characteristics of the micro gas turbine were considered under the condition of very short scheduling time scale.
Simulation results verified the effectiveness of the proposed intraday rolling dynamic scheduling method. Compared with the static
scheduling strategy, the dynamic scheduling strategy takes into account the dynamic characteristics of the micro gas turbine in the
scheduling model, and can combine more operation information to develop a more reasonable and effective scheduling scheme,
which can effectively reduce the deviation between the actual output power of the micro gas turbine and its output power set, and
better meet the load demand.
Key words: islanded microgrid; intraday rolling scheduling; model predictive control