发布人:网站管理员 发布时间:2016/7/26 点击次数:327次

摘要: 以尹家沟矿3608大倾角综放回采面为对象,分析了大倾角厚煤层的开采关键技术,并提出技术创新点,目的
关键词: 大倾角;厚煤层;开采关键技术;创新点;实测分析
中图分类号: TD82 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 2095-0802-(2016)06-0183-02
Mining Technologies Used in Thick Coal Seam with Large Dip Angle
YUAN Dunlong
(Yinjiagou Coal Industry Co., Ltd., Yangcheng Yangtai Group of Shanxi, Yangcheng 048100, Shanxi, China)
Abstract: Taking 3608 fully-mechanized caving mining face with large dip angle in Yinjiagou Coal Mine as object, this paper
analyzed key mining technologies used in thick coal seam with large dip angle, and put forward the technical innovation points
with the purpose of promoting the extraction efficiency and security in thick coal seam with large dip angle, which offered
reference for the solution of the similar situation in other mining areas. Key words: large dip angle; thick coal seam;

key mining technologies; innovation points; measure analysis