发布人:网站管理员 发布时间:2017/1/4 点击次数:118次

摘要: 叙述了井下作业工作面冒顶问题常发部位及其原因,分析了煤矿井下作业工作面冒顶问题的成因,提出了解
关键词: 井下作业;工作面;冒顶;成因;策略
中图分类号: TD7 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 2095-0802-(2016)08-0004-02
On the Causes and Strategies of Roof Fall in the Downhole Working Face in Coal Mine
YIN Qilong
(Preparation Area, Jinhuagong Coal Mine, Datong Coal Mine Group, Datong 037016, Shanxi, China)
Abstract: The paper described the permanent places and causes of roof fall in the downhole working face in coal mine, and analyzed
its causes, and put forward solving strategies, which hoped it is helpful to improve the quality of the downhole operation in
coal mine. Key words: downhole operation; working face; roof fall; cause; strategy