
发布人:网站管理员 发布时间:2019/7/30 点击次数:732次

摘要: 在分析坤达煤业有限公司3号、9号和15号煤层地质、煤炭资源分布及煤质等的基础上,根据矿井生产现状,
关键词: 配煤开采;巷道布置;配采方案;方案设计
中图分类号: TD822 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 2095-0802-(2019)07-0184-03
Design and Application of Coal Blending Mining Scheme for No.3 and No.9 Coal Seams of Kunda
Coal Industry Co., Ltd.
CHE Jindong
(Zezhou Tiantai Kunda Coal Industry Co., Ltd. of Shanxi, Zezhou 048019, Shanxi, China)
Abstract: Based on the analysis of the geology, coal resource distribution and coal quality of No.3, No.9 and No.15 coal seams in
Kunda Coal Industry Co., Ltd., and according to the present situation of mine production, this paper put forward the coal blending
mining scheme of No.3 and No.9 coal seams, and introduced in detail the mine development layout, horizontal division, working
face layout and mining area replacement scheme. The designed coal blending scheme is simple and systematic, which reduces the
development cost of the mine, guarantees the coal quality, ensures the continuous mining of the mine, and improves the economic
benefits of the mine.

Key words: coal blending mining; roadway layout; blending mining scheme; scheme design