发布人:网站管理员 发布时间:2019/9/23 点击次数:125次

摘要: 讨论了煤矿综合机械化采煤工作面冒顶的原因,分析了冒顶对综采工作面的影响,提出了有针对性的综采工
关键词: 综采工作面;冒顶原因;冒顶预防措施
中图分类号: TD73 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 2095-0802-(2019)09-0015-02
Cause Analysis and Prevention of Roof Caving in Fully Mechanized Mining Face of Coal Mines
ZHANG Guanghui
(Zezhou Tiantai Yuenan Coal Industry Co., Ltd. of Shanxi, Zezhou 048021, Shanxi, China)
Abstract: This paper discussed the causes of roof caving in fully mechanized mining face of coal mines, analyzed the influence
of roof caving on fully mechanized mining face and put forward some preventive measures for roof caving of fully mechanized
mining face.

Key words: fully mechanized mining face; causes of roof caving; preventive measures for roof caving