发布人:网站管理员 发布时间:2019/9/23 点击次数:724次

摘要: 常规的水文地质类型划分存在主观性强、判定结果缺乏客观性等问题。提出了采用综合分析法对矿井水文地
关键词: 水文地质类型;综合分析法;防治水;单项评价指标
中图分类号: P641 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 2095-0802-(2019)09-0175-02
Application of Comprehensive Analysis Method in the Classification of Mine
Hydrogeological Types
WEN Shiliang
(Tongfuxin Coal Industry Co., Ltd., Shanxi Coal Transportation and Sale Group, Xiangning 042100, Shanxi, China)
Abstract: Conventional classification of hydrogeologic types has some problems, such as strong subjectivity and lack of
objectivity in judging results. This paper put forward a comprehensive analysis method to classify the hydrogeological types of
mines, and studied its evaluation model and application. The results show that the application of comprehensive analysis method is
feasible to divide hydrogeological types, and at the same time, the single evaluation index scoring results can determine the focus
of mine water control work, which provide some reference for the follow-up mine water control work.

 Key words: hydrogeological type; comprehensive analysis method; water control; single evaluation index