发布人:网站管理员 发布时间:2020/3/16 点击次数:92次

(同煤集团挖金湾煤业公司,山西 大同 037004)
摘要: 伴随着矿井回采深度和开采强度的不断增加,巷道所处的应力环境越发恶劣,特别是对于采空区下的回采巷
FLAC3D 数值模拟手段,对3 种不同的采空区下巷道布设位置进行对比研究,并对其结果做出分析,希望能为其他矿井
关键词: 矿井;巷道布置;数值模拟
中图分类号: TD822     文献标识码: A     文章编号: 2095-0802-(2020)01-0008-02
Roadway Layout in Coal Mining
ZHANG Wenjun
(Wajinwan Coal Industry Co., Ltd., Datong Coal Mine Group, Datong 037004, Shanxi, China)
Abstract: With the continuous increase of mining depth and mining intensity, the stress environment of the roadway becomes
worse and worse. Especially for the layout of the mining roadway under the goaf, selecting the best area to layout the roadway has
a positive significance for improving the stability and safety of the roadway. Combined with the actual project, with the aid of
FLAC3D numerical simulation method, this paper made comparative study on three different roadway layout positions under the
goaf and analyzed the results, hoping to provide reference for other similar projects.

Key words: mine; roadway layout; numerical simulation