发布人:网站管理员 发布时间:2020/3/16 点击次数:98次

(汾西矿业集团中兴煤业有限责任公司,山西 交城 030500)
摘要: 张紧装置给胶带提供张紧力,对保证带式输送机正常运行具有重要作用。在对带式输送机张紧装置进行分析
关键词: 带式输送机;胶带;张紧装置;适用范围
中图分类号:TD528     文献标识码:A     文章编号:2095-0802-(2020)01-0126-03
Analysis on the Tension Device of Belt Conveyor
JIA Zhenquan
(Zhongxing Coal Industry Co., Ltd., Fenxi Mining Group, Jiaocheng 030500, Shanxi, China)
Abstract: The tension device provides tension for the belt, which plays an important role in ensuring the normal operation of the
belt conveyor. Based on the analysis of the tension device of the belt conveyor, this paper summarized the characteristics and
application scope of the common tension device, and made a comparative analysis of the different tension devices, in order to
provide some reference for the design of the underground belt conveyor and the selection of the tension device.

Key words: belt conveyor; belt; tension device; application scope