发布人:网站管理员 发布时间:2020/12/11 点击次数:216次

(山西大同煤矿集团大地选煤公司同忻选煤厂,山西 大同 037001)
摘要: 煤炭开采工艺高速发展,配套的选煤厂也随之高速发展,选煤技术取得了很大的进步。选煤技术的应用为煤
关键词: 选煤厂;煤仓;瓦斯积聚;通风系统;自动控制
中图分类号: TD928.9;TD94;TD724     文献标志码: A     文章编号: 2095-0802-(2020)12-0191-02
Analysis on Automation Reformation of Coal Bunker Ventilation System in Coal
Preparation Plant
GUO Ruijia
(Tongxin Coal Preparation Plant of Dadi Coal Preparation Company, Datong Coal Mine Group of Shanxi, Datong 037001,
Shanxi, China)
Abstract: With the rapid development of coal mining technology, the supporting coal preparation plant is also highly iterative,
and coal preparation technology has made great progress. The application of coal preparation technology provides high-quality
coal for the downstream industry of coal industry. The coal storage workshop of the coal preparation plant is the main site for
storing raw coal. The large size and long storage time of the raw coal workshop will cause the gas in the raw coal to be released,
which will cause the gas to accumulate in the raw coal workshop. This paper described some automatic ventilation equipment used
in the coal bunker in detail, analyzed the automation reformation of the ventilation system in detail, which helps to solve the problem
of gas accumulation in the coal bunker to a certain extent.

Key words: coal preparation plant; coal bunker; gas accumulation; ventilation system; automatic control