发布人:网站管理员 发布时间:2021/1/22 点击次数:77次

(新疆阿勒泰水文勘测局, 新疆 阿勒泰 836500)
中图分类号:X522     文献标识码:A     文章编号:2095-0802-(2021)01-0091-02
Discussion on Estimation of Non-point Source Pollution Load in Ulungur River Basin
XU Wei
(Altay Hydrological Survey Bureau of Xinjiang, Altay 836500, Xinjiang, China)
Abstract: At present, there is no analysis result on the estimation of non-point source pollution load of large and medium-sized
rivers in the relevant domestic research on non-point source pollution. Based on an overview of pollution in the Ulungur River
Basin, this paper used an output linear model to estimate the non-point source pollution load in the basin combined with relevant
statistical data. The results show that non-point source pollution is currently the third largest pollution source after industrial point
source pollution and urban domestic source pollution, and the proportion of non-point source pollution in the total pollution load
continues to increase according to the forecast of the social and economic development of the river basin and the adjustment of
industrial structure. Therefore, the river basin management department should, while steadily advancing the treatment of industrial
point source pollution and urban living source pollution, actively take measures to deal with non -point source pollution and
prevent its further expansion.
Key words: Ulungur River Basin; non-point source pollution; load; estimation model