发布人:网站管理员 发布时间:2021/4/2 点击次数:128次

(山西焦煤汾西矿业两渡煤业公司,山西 灵石 031302)
摘要: 皮带输送机是井下运输煤炭的主要设备。针对矿井原有皮带输送机控制方式落后、人员需求量大和运输效率
关键词: 皮带输送机;煤炭运输;控制系统;单机控制;集中控制
中图分类号: TD528     文献标识码: A     文章编号: 2095-0802-(2021)03-0122-03
Study on Upgrading and Transformation of Mine Belt Conveyor Control System
ZHAO Lifeng
(Liangdu Coal Industry Company, Fenxi Mining Industry Group, Shanxi Coking Coal Group, Lingshi 031302, Shanxi, China)
Abstract: Belt conveyor is the main equipment of underground coal transportation. Aiming at the problems of backward control
of the original belt conveyor in the mine, large demand for personnel and low transportation efficiency, advanced control boxes and
control software were used to upgrade the belt conveyor control system. This paper explained the transformation plan and field
application in detail. After the transformation is completed, it can realize the functions of belt conveyor linkage control, remote
one-key start and stop, and operation status monitoring, which improves the operation efficiency of the belt conveyor, reduces the
number of operators and transportation costs, and has achieved remarkable results.

Key words: belt conveyor; coal transportation; control system; single machine control; centralized control