发布人:网站管理员 发布时间:2021/4/2 点击次数:120次

(山西潞安化工集团高河能源有限公司,山西 长治 047100)
摘要: 以高河能源有限公司W1320 综采工作面悬挂式电气列车前移过弯道工程实践为例,通过详细分析巷道布置特
关键词: 综采工作面;悬挂式电气列车;过弯道;回撤
中图分类号: TD524     文献标识码: A     文章编号: 2095-0802-(2021)03-0165-03
Study on Suspended Electric Train Moving forward through Curve in Fully Mechanized
Mining Face
WANG Peng, LI Wenhua
(Gaohe Energy Co., Ltd., Lu'an Chemical Group of Shanxi, Changzhi 047100, Shanxi, China)
Abstract: Taking the practice of the suspended electric train moving forward through the curve in W1320 fully mechanized mining
face of Gaohe Energy Co., Ltd. as an example, through a detailed analysis of the roadway layout characteristics and the overall
layout of the suspended electric train, this paper discussed the plan and the key technologies for the suspended electric train
moving forward through the curve, which provided reference for the electric train moving forward in the working face with similar
roadway layout.

Key words: fully mechanized mining face; suspended electric train; through curve; retracement