发布人:网站管理员 发布时间:2021/6/29 点击次数:109次

(晋能控股煤业集团大斗沟煤业公司,山西 大同 037000)
摘要: 综采工作面在回采时存在自然发火的可能性,因此,做好综采工作面的防灭火工作十分重要。分析了综采工
关键词: 综采工作面;自然发火;防灭火措施
中图分类号: TD75+3     文献标识码: A     文章编号: 2095-0802-(2021)06-0120-02
Analysis on Fire Prevention and Extinguishment in Fully Mechanized Coal Face
LIU Shijie
(Dadougou Coal Industry Company, Jinneng Holding Coal Industry Group, Datong 037000, Shanxi, China)
Abstract: There is the possibility of spontaneous fire in the fully mechanized mining face during the mining. Therefore, it is very
important to do a good job in fire prevention and extinguishment in the fully mechanized mining face. This paper analyzed the
reason of spontaneous fire in fully mechanized mining face, and discussed the main measures for preventing and extinguishing fire
in fully mechanized mining face, which can provide a certain reference for preventing and extinguishing fire in coal mine.

Key words: fully mechanized mining face; spontaneous fire; fire prevention and extinguishment measures