发布人:网站管理员 发布时间:2021/6/29 点击次数:186次

(华阳新材料科技集团有限公司,山西 阳泉 045000)
摘要: 皮带输送机是煤矿井下重要的运输设备,其正常运行是煤矿高效生产的基础。然而,由于煤矿井下恶劣的环
关键词: 煤矿开采;皮带输送机;常见故障;故障处理
中图分类号: TD528+.1     文献标识码: A     文章编号: 2095-0802-(2021)06-0135-02
Analysis and Treatment of Common Faults of Coal Mine Belt Conveyor
YIN Xiong
(Huayang New Material Technology Group Co., Ltd., Yangquan 045000, Shanxi, China)
Abstract: Belt conveyor is an important transport equipment in coal mines, and its normal operation is the basis of efficient
production in coal mines. However, due to the bad environment in the coal mine, various faults occur in the belt conveyor, which
seriously affects the high yield and high efficiency of the coal mine. Therefore, after the belt conveyor failure, correct methods for
maintenance should be taken. This paper analyzed the common faults in the coal mine belt conveyor, discussed some fault treatment
methods, which can provide some reference for the repair and maintenance of coal mine belt conveyor.

Key words: coal mining; belt conveyor; common faults; fault treatment