发布人:网站管理员 发布时间:2021/7/22 点击次数:95次

(冀中能源峰峰集团有限公司,河北 邯郸 056107)
摘要: 新常态下,建设“安全高效绿色和谐”型矿井是煤矿企业发展的必然趋势。多年来,冀中能源峰峰集团紧紧
关键词: 安全高效;绿色和谐;矿井建设
中图分类号: TD2     文献标识码: A     文章编号: 2095-0802-(2021)07-0113-02
Research and Practice of Constructing "Safe, Efficient, Green and Harmonious" Coal Mines
LI Xiaohua
(Jizhong Energy Fengfeng Group Co., Ltd., Handan 056107, Hebei, China)
Abstract: Under the new normal, the construction of "safe, efficient, green and harmonious" coal mines is an inevitable trend for
the development of coal mining enterprises. For many years, around the strategy of "safety, stability, innovation, reform and
development", Jizhong Energy Fengfeng Group has insisted on establishing enterprises with safety, strengthening enterprises with
management, implementing safety standards strictly, paying close attention to basic management and striving to reduce costs and
increase efficiency, and innovatively constructed the development vision and implementation objectives of building "safe, efficient,
green and harmonious" coal mines. Wutongzhuang Coal Mine, as the main production mine and demonstration mine of Fengfeng
Group, has adopted a series of measures such as process reform, equipment upgrade and management innovation in the construction
of "safe, efficient, green and harmonious" coal mine, which has laid a solid foundation for the sustainable development of the
mine in future.

Key words: safe and efficient; green and harmonious; coal mine construction