发布人:网站管理员 发布时间:2021/7/22 点击次数:101次

(华电潍坊发电有限公司,山东 潍坊 261204)
摘要: 热管式空预器目前已经得到了广泛应用,特别是在电力工业和化工工业等方面,表现出较高的应用价值。但
关键词: 热管式空预器;压差;堵塞
中图分类号: TK223.3+4     文献标识码: A     文章编号: 2095-0802-(2021)07-0141-02
Operational Problems of Heat-pipe Air Preheater in Low-temperature Section of Typical Unit
and Their Solutions
WU Xiaoming
(Huadian Weifang Power Generation Co., Ltd., Weifang 261204, Shandong, China)
Abstract: The heat-pipe air preheater has been widely used, especially in the power industry and chemical industry, showing
high application value. However, there are still problems of high differential pressure and blockage during operation. Taking the 3#
unit in Huadian Weifang Power Generation Co., Ltd. as an example, this paper analyzed the causes of high differential pressure
and blockage of the heat-pipe air preheater, and proposed corresponding solutions. The operation of the improved system shows
that the application of the improved scheme can reduce the differential pressure of the air preheater and prevent blockage, while
also reducing heat loss due to exhaust gas and improving boiler efficiency.

Key words: heat-pipe air preheater; differential pressure; blockage