发布人:网站管理员 发布时间:2021/10/18 点击次数:79次

(山西汾河焦煤股份有限公司回坡底煤矿,山西 洪洞 041600)
摘要: 以井下作业面智能化开采为对象开展探究。结合具体工程实际,从整体设计和关键子系统功能分析两方面对作业
关键词: 矿井;综放作业;智能化生产;系统设计
中图分类号: TD823.97     文献标识码: A     文章编号: 2095-0802-(2021)10-0151-02
Study on Intelligent Mining of Underground Working Face
WANG Xiaojun
(Huipodi Coal Mine, Fenhe Coking Coal Co., Ltd. of Shanxi, Hongtong 041600, Shanxi, China)
Abstract: The intelligent mining of underground working face was carried out. Combining with the actual project, this paper
carried out a comprehensive design and analysis of the intelligent fully mechanized caving mining system of the working face from
the overall design and the analysis of key subsystem functions, and tested the actual application effect of the intelligent production
system. The results show that through the application of this system, the mine production efficiency and benefits have been greatly
improved, and at the same time, the labor intensity and operation risks of the operators have been significantly reduced, which has
provided positive help for the continuous and high-quality development of the mine.

Key words: mine; fully mechanized caving operation; intelligent production; system design