发布人:网站管理员 发布时间:2021/11/22 点击次数:79次

(潞安化工集团有限公司能源事业部,山西 襄垣 046204)
摘要: A 煤业回风巷在掘进过程中揭露了采空区,对其进行注浆充填后强行通过。探究了巷道掘进过采空区注浆充填
关键词: 巷道;采空区;注浆充填;支护方式
中图分类号: TD824.5     文献标识码: A     文章编号: 2095-0802-(2021)11-0021-03
Exploration on Way of Driving through Goaf in Coal Mines
LIU Jian
(Energy Division, Lu'an Chemical Group Co., Ltd., Xiangyuan 046204, Shanxi, China)
Abstract: The goaf was exposed during the excavation of the return air roadway of A Coal Industry Co., Ltd. and forced through
after grouting and filling. This paper explored the construction method of roadway driving through goaf grouting filling area, as well
as the temporary support, permanent support and matched composite support of roadway after driving, so as to ensure the safety of
roadway excavation.

Key words: roadway; goaf; grouting filling; support pattern