发布人:网站管理员 发布时间:2022/7/8 点击次数:31次

(山西汾河焦煤股份有限公司回坡底煤矿,山西 洪洞 041600)
摘要: 以寺河矿高突矿井为例,基于其现实条件,为解决大采高工作面瓦斯超标的问题,对高突矿井大采高工作面
关键词: 高突矿井;顶板走向长钻孔;瓦斯抽采
中图分类号: TD712+.6     文献标志码: A     文章编号: 2095-0802-(2022)06-0102-04
Gas Drainage Practice of Working Faces with Large Mining Height in High Outburst Mine
(Huipodi Coal Mine, Fenhe Coking Coal Co., Ltd. of Shanxi, Hongtong 041600, Shanxi, China)
Abstract: Taking a high outburst mine of Sihe Coal Mine as an example, based on its actual conditions, this paper studied the
gas drainage practice of working faces with large mining height in the high outburst mine, in order to solve the problem of gas
exceeding the standard in working faces with large mining height. Through the comparative analysis of the three methods of gas
drainage, it was found that roof-trending long borehole drainage was most effective. After the implementation of this measure, the gas
volume fraction was controlled within the safe range, which can provide effective guarantee for the safe development of mine work.

Key words: high outburst mine; roof-trending long borehole; gas drainage