发布人:网站管理员 发布时间:2022/7/8 点击次数:121次

(山西铺龙湾煤业有限公司选煤厂,山西 大同 037104)
摘要: 在科学技术不断发展的过程中,各种各样的高新技术在各个领域的应用推进了各个行业的快速发展。在煤炭
关键词: 重介洗煤技术;选煤厂;选煤精度;选煤方式
中图分类号: TD922.7     文献标志码: A     文章编号: 2095-0802-(2022)06-0178-03
Application of Dense Medium Coal Washing Technology in Coal Preparation Plant
HE Hongwei
(Coal Preparation Plant, Pulongwan Coal Industry Co., Ltd. of Shanxi, Datong 037104, Shanxi, China)
Abstract: In the process of continuous development of science and technology, the application of various high and new technologies
in various fields has promoted the rapid development of various industries. In the field of coal production, the application of coal
production technology has improved the production efficiency of coal, and with the continuous strengthening of people's attention
to the environment, environmental protection has also become one of the important factors to be considered in the process of
technology development. In the process of coal production, reducing the pollution and destruction of the natural environment
caused by coal production puts forward higher requirements for coal production technology. In the current fierce competition
between oil and natural gas, the development of the coal industry is moving towards the direction of low cost and high efficiency.
This paper mainly analyzed the application of automation technology in heavy medium coal washing technology, and put forward
targeted development measures according to actual technical requirements.

Key words: heavy medium coal washing technology; coal preparation plant; coal preparation precision; coal preparation method