发布人:网站管理员 发布时间:2022/11/17 点击次数:24次

(潞安化工寺家庄公司,山西 昔阳 045300)
摘要: 随着中国经济水平的快速上升,社会对能源的需求量越来越大,这增大了煤矿的开采规模。与此同时,对煤
关键词: 煤矿;巷道支护技术;井下掘进;应用原理;优化措施
中图分类号: TD353      文献标志码: A      文章编号: 2095-0802-(2022)11-0137-03
Research and Application of Support Technology in Coal Mine Roadway Excavation
JIA Haihe
(Sijiazhuang Company, Lu'an Chemical Group, Xiyang 045300, Shanxi, China)
Abstract: With the rapid rise of China's economic level, the society's demand for energy is growing, which increases the scale of
coal mining. At the same time, the continuous optimization and improvement of coal mining technology has also become a concern
for coal mining enterprises. Nowadays, coal mining depth is gradually increasing, the mining environment is becoming more and
more complex, and the mining is affected by the coal rock and geological structure, so the use of reasonable excavation equipment
and tunneling support technology has become a fundamental measure to solve the problem of coal mine roadway excavation.
Scientific tunneling support technology can make coal mining more efficient and high quality, and also improve the safety of the
mining process. In view of this, this paper explained the roadway support technology and its current application situation in China,
analyzed the principle of underground support technology and the forms of support, and finally proposed a series of measures for
the later-stage optimization and improvement, which has certain reference value for the subsequent mining work in coal mines.

Key words: coal mine; roadway support technology; underground excavation; application principle; optimization measures