发布人:网站管理员 发布时间:2023/3/28 点击次数:16次

(山西西山煤电股份有限公司西铭矿,山西 太原 030052)
摘要: 井下机车运输作为目前井下运输主要发展方向,受特定道路环境限制影响,仍缺乏有效的机车运输监控及调
度系统。针对上述问题,将数据通信与GIS 等技术相融合,建立了网络、数据通信、GIS 信息相统一的集成化井下机车
关键词: 井下机车;运输监控;跟踪定位;实时调度
中图分类号: TD67      文献标志码: A      文章编号: 2095-0802-(2023)02-0123-04
Key Technologies of Intelligent Monitoring and Dispatching System for Locomotive
Transportation in Underground Coal Mines
LIU Yang
(Ximing Coal Mine, Xishan Coal Electricity Co., Ltd. of Shanxi, Taiyuan 030052, Shanxi, China)
Abstract: As the main underground transportation development direction, underground locomotive transportation still lacks effective
monitoring and dispatching system due to the specific road environment. To solve the above problems, data communication and GIS
technologies are integrated to establish an integrated monitoring and management platform for underground locomotive transportation
that integrates network, data communication and GIS information. It can realize vehicle tracking and positioning, traffic signal
linkage control, overspeed alarm, rear-end alarm and other functions, and provide real-time dispatching and intelligent support for
underground traffic transportation, and it can also provide extended application for mine environment, personnel, equipment and
other safety monitoring, realize mine disaster warning and emergency rescue, so that the advantages of underground locomotive
transport can be effectively played.

Key words: underground locomotive; transportation monitoring; tracking and positioning; real-time dispatching