发布人:网站管理员 发布时间:2023/3/28 点击次数:41次

(焦作煤业(集团)有限责任公司中马村矿,河南 焦作 454000)
摘要: 针对中马村矿39 采区穿层钻孔抽采为主,辅以水力冲孔卸压增透的瓦斯治理技术模式,采用压降法考察了水
力冲孔规模0.5 t/m 条件下,钻孔抽采影响半径随时间变化的规律,并利用瓦斯含量及临近区域钻孔抽采效果对比分析,
关键词: 穿层钻孔;影响半径;抽采;水力冲孔;压力
中图分类号: TD712.6      文献标志码: A      文章编号: 2095-0802-(2023)02-0184-03
Investigation and Application of Influence Radius of Cross Layer Drilling and Drainage in
39 Mining Area
(Zhongmacun Coal Mine, Jiaozuo Coal Industry (Group) Co., Ltd., Jiaozuo 454000, Henan, China)
Abstract: In view of the gas treatment technology mode of the 39 mining area of Zhongmacun Coal Mine, which is mainly cross
layer drilling and drainage, supplemented by hydraulic punching to relieve pressure and increase permeability, the pressure drop
method was used to investigate the change law of the influence radius of drilling and drainage with time under the condition of
hydraulic punching scale of 0.5 t/m, and the reliability of the measured results of the pressure drop method was further verified by
the comparative analysis of the gas content and the drilling and drainage effect in the adjacent areas, which can provide a basis
for the layout of the mine boreholes.

Key words: cross layer drilling; influence radius; drainage; hydraulic punching; pressure