发布人:网站管理员 发布时间:2023/4/18 点击次数:23次

(山西汾河焦煤股份有限公司回坡底煤矿,山西 洪洞 041600)
摘要: 随着社会的不断发展,煤炭资源需求量越来越大。在煤炭开采中采用综合机械化采煤工艺,不仅能减少煤矿
关键词: 煤矿采煤;综合机械化;采煤工艺
中图分类号: TD823.97      文献标志码: A      文章编号: 2095-0802-(2023)04-0121-03
Fully Mechanized Mining Technology in Coal Mining
BAI Xudong
(Huipodi Coal Mine, Fenhe Coking Coal Co., Ltd. of Shanxi, Hongtong 041600, Shanxi, China)
Abstract: With the continuous development of society, the demand for coal resources is increasing. The application of fully
mechanized mining technology in coal mining can not only reduce the demand of coal mine production for mining personnel,
reduce the mining costs of enterprises, but also improve the efficiency and quality of mining. Based on this, this paper analyzed
the advantages, equipment and application of fully mechanized mining technology in detail.

Key words: coal mining; fully mechanized; mining technology