发布人:网站管理员 发布时间:2023/8/1 点击次数:17次

(山西介休义棠青云煤业有限公司,山西 介休 032000)
摘要: 液压支架是综采工作面的重要设备,在工作面回采完后需要重新安装。保证液压支架的快速安装对于煤矿生
关键词: 综采工作面;液压支架;安装技术
中图分类号: TD355.4      文献标志码: A      文章编号: 2095-0802-(2023)07-0127-03
Rapid Installation of Hydraulic Supports in Fully Mechanized Mining Faces
of Mines
REN Zhiqiang
(Jiexiu Yitang Qingyun Coal Industry Co., Ltd. of Shanxi, Jiexiu 032000, Shanxi, China)
Abstract: Hydraulic support is an important equipment in the fully mechanized mining face, and it needs to be reinstalled after
the mining is completed. Ensuring the rapid installation of hydraulic supports is crucial for improving the production efficiency of
coal mines. The causes of low installation efficiency of hydraulic supports were analyzed, mainly including large volume, narrow
working space, and low mechanization degree of hydraulic supports; then the rapid installation technology of hydraulic supports
was explored, mainly including the use of trackless rubber wheeled vehicles for transportation, optimization of installation
processes, and the development of heavy-duty hoisting equipment. This can provide a certain reference for the rapid installation of
hydraulic supports.

Key words: fully mechanized mining face; hydraulic support; installation technology