焦化脱硫废液浓缩过程中COD 的迁移规律和影响因素研究
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焦化脱硫废液浓缩过程中COD 的迁移规律和影响因素研究
(1.山西新石能源科技有限公司,山西 原平 034100;2.太原理工大学化学工程与技术学院,山西 太原 030024)
摘要: 对HPF (湿式氧化法)焦化脱硫废液在蒸发浓缩时冷凝液中COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand,化学需氧量)的
化趋势,在初期和末期冷凝液中的COD 均高达10 000 mg/L以上,引起这种现象的物质在前期主要是酚类与含氮类等有
关键词: 焦化脱硫废液;浓缩;COD;迁移规律;影响因素
中图分类号: X784      文献标志码: A      文章编号: 2095-0802-(2023)09-0215-04
Migration Pattern and Influencing Factors of COD during Concentration Process
of Coking Desulfurization Wastewater
ZHENG Shihua1, LI Guoqiang2
(1. Shanxi New Stone Energy Technology Co., Ltd., Yuanping 034100, Shanxi, China; 2. College of Chemical Engineering and
Technology, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024, Shanxi, China)
Abstract: The distribution pattern and influencing factors of chemical oxygen demand (COD) in the condensate produced during
the HPF coking desulfurization waste solution (CDWS) evaporating concentration process were studied. The research results
indicate that the COD in the condensate initially decreases and then increases during the CDWS evaporating concentration
process; both the early and late condensates exhibit COD levels are up to 10 000 mg/L. This phenomenon arises from the presence
of organic substances such as phenols and nitrogenous compounds in the initial phase, and from the decomposition of inorganic
compounds due to salt in the wastewater during the later stages. Therefore, effectively removing organic matter from the wastewater
and controlling the temperature during the CDWS concentrating process are key factors in reducing COD levels in the condensate.

Key words: coking desulfurization wastewater; concentration; COD; migration pattern; influencing factor