发布人:网站管理员 发布时间:2023/11/8 点击次数:16次

(晋能控股集团沁秀煤业有限公司,山西 晋城 048007)
摘要: 随着开采深度的增加,在煤矿开采中常见的地质结构为断层,给综采工作面连续、高效生产带来严重的影响,
关键词: 煤矿;综采工作面;过断层;安全技术措施
中图分类号: TD823      文献标志码: A      文章编号: 2095-0802-(2023)10-0151-03
Fault Crossing Technology in Fully Mechanized Mining Face
LI Pan
(Qinxiu Coal Industry Co., Ltd., Jinneng Holding Group, Jincheng 048007, Shanxi, China)
Abstract: With the increase of mining depth, the common geological structure in coal mining is faults, which seriously affects the
continuous and efficient production of fully mechanized mining faces and also affects the safety production of coal mines. In order
to achieve safe production in coal mines, it is necessary to select appropriate fault crossing technology based on actual situations. This
paper analyzed the harm of faults to coal mining, explored common fault crossing technical methods, including top to bottom lifting
method, skip mining method, and adjustment mining height method, and focused on the safety technical measures that should be taken
when crossing faults. The research and development of fault crossing technology in fully mechanized mining faces is particularly
important for safe and effective mining, and has certain guiding significance for safe and efficient production in coal mines.

Key words: coal mine; fully mechanized mining face; fault crossing; safety technical measure