A 金矿选矿厂磨浮工艺技术改造与实践
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A 金矿选矿厂磨浮工艺技术改造与实践
(1. 张家口弘基矿业有限责任公司,河北 张家口 075500;2. 华北理工大学矿业工程学院,河北 唐山 063009)
工艺改为浮选工艺,并通过调节作业制度、优化工艺流程、更换相关设备等方式,将选矿厂生产能力由350 t/d
扩大至450 t/d,稳产年年均处理量达到1.485 ×105 t,选矿回收率由68%提高到了89%,项目达产年年均销售收
入3.806 4 ×107元,年均净利润4.182 ×106元。经过技术改造后,选矿厂以合理的投入获得最大的经济效益和社
中图分类号:TD92      文献标志码:A      文章编号:2095-0802-(2024)01-0091-03
Technological Transformation and Practice of Grinding and Floating Process
of A Gold Mine Concentrator Plant
LI Aijun1, BU Ziheng2
(1. Zhangjiakou Hongji Mining Co., Ltd., Zhangjiakou 075500, Hebei, China; 2. College of Mining Engineering,
North China University of Science and Technology, Tangshan 063009, Hebei, China)
Abstract: In view of the mineral processing technology and environmental protection problems, A Gold Mine Concentration
Plant in Hebei Province carried out technical transformation and mineral processing process application research in order
to stabilize production, fully tap the potential of production technical index improvement, and improve the daily processing
capacity and gold recovery rate of the concentrator plant. By changing the beneficiation process, the existing carbon slurry
gold extraction process was changed to a flotation process, and the production capacity of the concentrator plant was
expanded from 350 t/d to 450 t/d by adjusting the operation system, optimizing the process flow, replacing related
equipment, etc., the average annual processing capacity of stable production reached 1.485 ×105 t, the mine processing
recovery rate increased from 68% to 89%, and the average annual sales revenue of the project reached 3.806 4 ×107 yuan
and the average annual net profit was 4.182 ×106 yuan. After technical transformation, the concentrator plant obtains the
maximum economic and social benefits with reasonable input.
Key words: gold mine concentrator plant; flotation; technological transformation; process flow