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(山西长治王庄煤业有限责任公司,山西 长治 047100)
作面顶板坚硬岩层弹性应变能对回撤通道稳定性的影响。以塔山煤矿8111 综放工作面停采为工程背景,通过理
中图分类号:TD325      文献标志码:A      文章编号:2095-0802-(2024)01-0304-06
Influence of Roof Disturbance on Stope during Equipment Withdrawal in
Fully-mechanized Caving Face
LI Xin
(Changzhi Wangzhuang Coal Industry Co., Ltd. of Shanxi, Changzhi 047100, Shanxi, China)
Abstract: In order to further study the withdrawal technology of stopping mining equipment in fully-mechanized caving
face of extra-thick coal seam, the influence of elastic strain energy of hard strata of the working face roof on the stability
of withdrawal passage during stopping mining was studied by theoretical analysis and field measurement. Based on the
stopping mining of 8111 fully-mechanized caving face in Tashan Coal Mine, through theoretical analysis and calculation,
it is found that the release of elastic strain energy before fracture of roof conglomerate stratum directly affects the stability
of equipment withdrawal passage of working face, and the energy released by rheology of mudstone stratum will aggravate
the deformation of withdrawal passage. Reinforcement support and carbon dioxide pre-splitting were adopted to weaken
roof and reduce the effect of stress release on withdrawal passage. At the same time, the technology of net laying in
stopping mining was optimized to shorten stopping mining time and reduce the effect of strain energy release of overlying
strata on the withdrawal passage, which was safe and efficient.
Key words: equipment withdrawal; elastic strain energy; rheology; safety and efficiency