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(内蒙古平庄煤业(集团)有限责任公司老公营子煤矿,内蒙古 赤峰 024000)
摘要: 以老公营子煤矿芋06-1(1)综采工作面为对象开展回采研究。当该工作面推进500 m时,受煤层分层线影响,煤
层厚度由4.5 m减小至2.5 m,工作面倾斜长度由240 m 缩短为137 m。结合现场情况,从开采经济性、设备回收及开采
连续性等方面对等长工作面(斜长137 m)、刀把式工作面以及不等长工作面3种布置方式进行综合分析,确定将Ⅲ06-1(1)
关键词: 煤炭开采;不等长工作面;设备回撤;回采工艺
中图分类号: TD823.97      文献标志码: A      文章编号: 2095-0802-(2023)12-0122-03
Soping of Ⅲ06-1(1) Fully-mechanized Mining Face with Unequal Length in
Laogongyingzi Coal Mine
LI Yang
(Laogongyingzi Coal Mine, Pingzhuang Coal Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. of Inner Mongolia, Chifeng 024000,
Inner Mongolia, China)
Abstract: The mining research was carried out on the Ⅲ06-1(1) fully-mechanized mining face of Laogongyingzi Coal Mine. When
the working face was pushed 500 m, the thickness of the coal seam was reduced from 4.5 m to 2.5 m, and the inclined length of the
working face was shortened from 240 m to 137 m due to the influence of the stratification line of the coal seam. According to the
site situation, the three layout modes of working face with equal length (inclined length 137 m), knife handle working face and
working face with unequal length were analyzed comprehensively from the aspects of mining economy, equipment recovery and
mining continuity, and it was determined that Ⅲ06-1(1) fully-mechanized mining face was arranged into working face with unequal
length. The disassembly of support and chute, upper outlet support and construction labor organization during Ⅲ06-1(1) fullymechanized
mining face with unequal length were analyzed. Finally, safe mining was realized at the mining face. The research
results provide a strong technical support for the mining of other similar working face with unequal length.

Key words: coal mining; working face with unequal length; equipment withdraw; stoping technology