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(晋能控股煤业集团同忻煤矿山西有限公司,山西 大同 037000)
摘要: 以同忻矿8311 工作面为案例进行小煤柱开采技术实践研究。对8311 小煤柱工作面矿压显现控制技术方案进
行了研究,对小煤柱开采技术和大煤柱开采技术的矿压显现进行了对比分析。结果表明,8311 工作面采用小煤柱开采技
关键词: 特厚煤层;矿压显现;小煤柱开采;大煤柱开采
中图分类号: TD822+.3      文献标志码: A      文章编号: 2095-0802-(2023)12-0128-03
Technology and Implementation Effect of Small Coal Pillar Mining in 3-5#
Coal Seam of Tongxin Coal Mine
(Tongxin Coal Mine Shanxi Co., Ltd., Jinneng Holding Coal Industry Group, Datong 037000, Shanxi, China)
Abstract: Taking the 8311 working face of Tongxin Coal Mine as a study case, practical research on small coal pillar mining
technology was conducted. A study was conducted on the control technology scheme of rock pressure manifestation in the 8311
small coal pillar working face, and a comparative analysis was conducted on the rock pressure manifestation of small coal pillar
mining technology and large coal pillar mining technology. The results show that the application of small coal pillar mining
technology in the 8311 working face has achieved good results in the treatment of mining pressure in goaf tunnels and the
improvement of resource recovery rate. It effectively controls the deformation of surrounding rock in goaf tunnels, reduces the
occurrence of mining pressure accidents such as roof fall and slope fragmentation, and has good safety and economic benefits.

Key words: extra thick coal seam; strata behavior; small coal pillar mining; large coal pillar mining